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  1. Correct German spelling of Custumize button

    The correct spelling would be: Packliste anpassen

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  2. Have previous trips in reverse order

    When I start a trip plan and close the app it often goes back to the start screen so I go to the archived trips list to find it and the newest trip is at the bottom of the list. if it would be better if the most recent/current trip was at the top of the list (ie reverse trip order from what it is).

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  3. Disney World Park Visits as Activity

    I just added the free version of PP and it does not have “visiting amusement parks” as an option. Really not even walking.

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  4. Fancy diner

    Fancy diner category for female contains the right list of items, however for males it seems to be using "work" list instead, adding several work shirts/pants instead of formal suit, for example. (iPhone version).

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  5. Nuovi tipi di viaggio

    Possibilità di creare nuovi tipi di viaggio (oltre i 2 preinstallati: Affari e Vacanza)

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  6. 3 votes

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  7. Allow trips to “collapse” so all can be seen simultaneously.

    More of a visual thing, but it would be cool to see all your trips at once and be able to click them to see your packing list.

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  8. Salvar histórico

    Gostaria que o app guardasse as viagens realizadas em listas pq nem tudo da pra checar na hora e quando fecha e abre tem que digitar tudo de novo, o que é um saco. Por exemplo eu gostaria de ir para 3 lugares diferentes levando coisas específicas para estes lugares e o app não salva as listas nem na versão paga! Sinto como se tivesse sido enganada pq não difere em quase nada da versão grátis. A ideia é excelente mas falta muito aprimoramento do app

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Help

    My custom packing lists are gone! Help!

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  11. Alles im Querformat für iPad Pro wäre toll

    Statt nur im Hochformat, wäre eine Version die sich drehen lässt eigentlich im Gebrauch gut, so wie es jetzt ist, kann man fast nicht mit iPad Pro arbeiten.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Allow adding weather conditions to packing list items

    Please let me add weather conditions to e.g. gloves, scarfs, sandals etc. I'd like to see them added automatically depending on seasonal conditions.

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  15. Put new items at bottom of list

    When adding new items, they should go at the bottom of the list, not the top.

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